Saturday, October 5, 2013

Radio Interview

Here's a radio interview I did on local Ithaca radio WRFI 88.1.
Ithaca Watkins Glen Community Radio
The conversation is far reaching taking in philosophy, theology, social issues and "what makes me tick"! It streams directly on iPhones and iPads. If you are on a computer it downloads to iTunes. (Not sure about the non-Apple world.)

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Fall syllabi are up ... enjoy

Fall 2013 students ... the syllabi are uploaded.

War and Terrorism

Ethics of Love

No syllabus for Philosophical Meditations. We will be learning Tai Chi Gong, 9 form.

See you all soon!

Enjoy the rest of the summer.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Philosopher Larry Ashley's Last Thoughts

Here are Larry's last thoughts, dictated to his son Chris and shared with permission:

To my friends and family, You have been wonderful in helping me through this. Thank you to all for your kindness. To be a bit pretentious, I feel I have led my life in a favored way. Friends and philosophy have stood as a bulwark against difficulties, and helped give my life meaning and thoughtfulness. To my friends and colleagues in Cortland, you have been the greatest. To my union coworkers, I have enjoyed working with you and being trusted with the responsibility of leadership. That helped invigorate a large part of my life. To my family, we seem to be scattered around the world, with trouble making contact. Know that although I can't find you all now, I am still thinking a lot of you. I also treasure the many friendships which have grown up with of ex-students and sports companions. Thank you and love to you all, Larry
Rest in Peace dear friend.

Eulogy for a dear friend

An hour ago, as I write, my dearest friend, Larry Ashley passed away. Just a couple of weeks ago he texted me to say that he had been diagnosed with aggressive pancreatic cancer that had spread to his liver. It was a swift end to an amazing life.
Larry was a philosopher's philosopher and painstakingly mentored me. If today I have any merit as a philosopher it is largely down to my good friend. He had just about the sharpest mind of anyone I know. His ability to analyze problems was brilliant. His critique could be devastating. But how much better my papers were after Larry analyzed them!
Larry was a union man. For years he worked hard to better the working conditions of his colleagues. He has left a massive legacy that will affect our university colleagues for years to come.
Larry was an atheist and a materialist. He had no room for god or religion. For him, there was nothing more than can be seen, heard, touched, tasted and smelled. We talked often of metaphysics and what is real and what is possible. We often differed. But,  Larry was an enigmatic materialist. He had little time for material stuff. He was a romantic at heart. He teared up easily. He loved dogs. He loved music. I marveled at his atheism for such a spiritual man. He marveled at my theism for such a skeptical philosopher.
Above all Larry was a good man. (I can hear him saying, "Come on Andy, what do you mean by good?") He was good in so many respects ... kind, generous, respectful, strong, ethical, giving, loving, fair, humble.
He was my friend. I am privileged. I will miss him.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Nice news!

Just heard today that I have been elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Spring Syllabi Uploaded

This semester I'm teaching Social and Political Philosophy and Medical Ethics. To access the syllabi go here:

Social and Political Philosophy

Medical Ethics