Some days you just feel very grateful. Today is such a day. Summer teaching over. Grading done and entered. Good taiji early this morning. Nice bit of strenuous yard work. Writing about love's virtues of kindness and gentleness. Bike ride with Jane to our favorite coffee shop. Gorgeous weather. Now sitting on our deck enjoying a glass of Argentinian Malbec. Very grateful indeed!
Cycling back from the coffee shop (very gently I have to say) I was thinking about how privileged I am. Of course, sometimes I feel guilty about it, when many have so little. (However, I am finding less room for guilt, as it is not a helpful emotion.) But today, I just feel happy.

Our bikes have been fun. We bought them a few years ago for a song. We had been looking at Dahon folding bikes. Very nice and not cheap. We even took a trip to Geneva to see a couple in a bike shop and take a test ride. (That's Geneva NY, by the way, not the European version!) Great bikes. Just couldn't justify the expense, for the little cycling we do (about $500 each bike). Then a few weeks later we saw an ad in the
Ithaca Journal. Two ancient folding Dahon bikes. Fifty dollars for the pair. It turns out that this elderly couple kept them in their plane and just used the bikes occasionally. They looked brand new. Very ancient. No gears. No brakes. You back pedal to stop. Perfect! So we bought them and have really enjoyed them.
Top pic is the view from the deck right now. Bottom pic is me on the ancient Dahon.
So now, a little more writing then making dinner (spaghetti bolognese with Bocca bits). Perhaps, a tad more vino. Very grateful indeed!